If you have questions about our plug-ins or difficulties with them and you don't find answer below, please post ticket in our ticket system.
Catproduct isn't being shown. Why?
- Cart Attribute field for Catproduct under custom field page must be set to "No"
- Your template may need position of plug-in. Go to plug-in configuration in Custom Fields menu and set Layout position to "normal", "ontop" or "onbot".
It's possible that your template doesn't have right code for showing VM plug-ins.
Go to [root]/templates/[your_template]/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/ and check default.php if this code is there:
if (!empty($this->product->customfieldsSorted['normal'])) {
$this->position = 'normal';
echo $this->loadTemplate('customfields');
} // Product custom_fields ENDIf not, add it on place, where you want to have Catproduct.
After click on add-to-cart button some strange page with some message is shown
Almost every time this means JavaScript issues. It could be jQuery conflict. If you can't fix it, contact me.
Where can I find language file to change table headings?
I want to change something. Where are layout files?
Here you can find tmpl, css, js folders. Tmpl is layout folder, css is folder for css, js for javascript
How to make new layout?
Go to [root]/plugins/vmcustom/catproduct/catproduct/tmpl and copy layout file of your wish (for example default.php), then rename it (for example default-new.php) and use it as your layout file
This way you'll protect yourself of losing your modification with Catproduct upgrade.
How to add link for child or attached product?
If you want to add link for example on product name, open your layout file and search for:
// Product title
if ($parametri["show_name"] == 1) {
echo '<td class="cell_name">'.$product['child']['product_name'];
echo '</td>';
Then change
echo '<td class="cell_name">'.$product['child']['product_name'];
echo '<td class="cell_name"><a href="index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id='.$product['child']['virtuemart_product_id'].'">'.$product['child']['product_name'].'</a>';